Red Car Blue Car

This iconic, 40″ animated ad, first composed and produced by Mike Connaris in 1989, was known and sung by school children all across the UK. With it’s famous opening lyric “The Red Car and the Blue Car had a race….” (from creative team “The 2 Rogers” whilst at DMBB), it made the Christmas charts as a single in 1991 as “Home For Christmas Day“.

On its return to British TV in 2009 as a 30″ version, the lyrics had to be amended since ” ‘cos he knows it won’t spoil his appetite” was no longer PC, so the original vocalist, Bob Saker, was tracked down to re-vocal the line as “‘cos he knows it’s something that tastes just right”! Unbelievably after 20 years, his voice hadn’t changed a bit!

  • Client Milky Way
  • Composer Mike Connaris
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